Do you need more space for your storage? A mezzanine floor, or system floor, is a self-supporting structure that is placed between two floor to create more space. Therefor, mezzanine floors form a great solution for your problem! John Scott creates tailor-made mezzanine flooring for your showroom, office or warehouse. More information about
mezzanine floors in West Midlands.

A mezzanine floor in West Midlands: the benefits
Investing in a mezzanine floor is a sustainable investment. The unique profile of the floor is made by cold roll forming and robot welding. A
mezzanine is cost-effective, practical and an innovative alternative to the traditional designs. A floor from John Scott offers many technical options. Pipes for water and electricity can easily be installed. The mezzanine construction is light, however, it can carry a large weight as it has a
load capacity up to 4000 kilograms per m2. The floor will be accommodated with a quality powder coated finish.
About John Scott Works
Welcome to John Scott Works in West Midlands. Our company is part of the
PRN Group, an international group of companies with a proven record in steel manufacturing and process automation. We are eager to develop in today’s smart technology by investing skilled people, production equipment and facilities. We are specialists in the field of
mezzanine floors and manufacture them ourselves.
Our service
Your mezzanine project will be established by our experienced team of project engineers, certified welders and trained installers. All floors are tailor-made for every customer so that we can make optimum use of the space in your warehouse, office or showroom. We use a 3D design to create a
mezzanine flooring for your building. The floors are produced completely in-house using state-of-the art technologies.
Get your free price indication
In general, a standard mezzanine floor costs around £100 per m2, without specialties. If you want to calculate the exact costs of your mezzanine floor, you can make use of our cost calculator at the bottom of this page. You can fill in the load capacity and the other features you wish to add to your floor. You will receive a personal price indication in your mailbox for free! Feel also free to
contact us.
Are you curious what John Scott Works can mean for your building? Press the button below for a price indication and contact. Hopefully we see each other in West Midlands.
Request a quote for your mezzanine floor in West Midlands